10 Plants That Will Liven Up Any Space

10 Plants That Will Liven Up Any Space

There are plenty of things you can do to make any space more inviting, comfortable and attractive. New curtains, beautiful furniture, wall decor, and other home accessories can make any space look more put-together and alive.

Few things, however, come close to making your home look as inviting and “finished” as a houseplant sitting in an eye-catching pot. Plants are affordable and help brighten up any space. Plus, they have been shown to relieve stress, and some people believe that they help purify the air around you.

Whether you need a plant for your living room, bedroom or office, these 10 easy-to-care-for plants will surely liven up any space while also giving your home or office plenty of other benefits.

1. Pothos Plant

Pothos are essentially vines. This houseplant can crawl up or down surfaces, does not need much light and is one of the easiest to care for. Pothos are perfect to place on a loft floor, a bookshelf or a window. Since they grow in many different directions, they can make an interesting addition to your interior spaces. 

Pothos plant care is pretty simple. You can grow them in dry soil or sometimes even in water. They also come in many colors, including a few variegated types. 

If you have a variegated pothos plant, however, keep in mind that it may need a little more light than those with darker leaves. All pothos vines do fine in low light, but the variegated kinds will lose their contrasting colors (and eventually even their variegation) if left in low light.

2. Fiddle Leaf Fig

This glorious plant features large leaves and a thick stem that grows vertically. In their natural habitat, fiddle leaf figs grow up to 40 feet. Even indoors, they can reach up to 6 feet, so place them in a space where they have room to reach their indoor height potential.

Though they are native to the tropics where the environment is warm and wet, the indoor fig is a pretty tough plant that can withstand unfavorable conditions for a long time. This is good news for anyone who sometimes forgets a watering or two.

For Fiddle Leaf Fig tree care, you only need to remember watering it occasionally, and you can also make the room temperature a little higher than usual. 

3. Snake Plant

One of the most popular indoor house plants, the snake plant is also known as mother-in-law’s tongue. It is a beautiful plant that grows its leaves vertically. Some snake plants feature patterns that resemble the skin of a snake. 

This plant is unique for its oxygen production at night time and ability to purify the air.

Snake plants do best near a window where they can get indirect light. Water them about once a week.

4. Chinese Evergreens

Chinese evergreens are one of the most common indoor plants. They are included in the NASA air-cleaning plants study and are known for their ability to emit a large amount of oxygen compared to other plants. In certain conditions, they can even purify the air of toxins like benzene (a known carcinogen).

Chinese evergreens do fine in shade and only need to be watered occasionally. Just be sure to keep the soil moist.

5. Schefflera

The schefflera is a popular plant and features many variations, all having the very same elongated leaves likened that to the shape of an umbrella. This is why the schefflera is also known as the umbrella tree.

Schefflera is one of the best indoor plants for air quality, as it acts as a natural air freshener and detoxifier. Its leaves release oxygen and absorb air pollutants.

When caring for this plant, be sure to give it indirect sunlight. You can water the plant when the soil begins to get dry. These plants are easy to care for, but like many other plants, schefflera plants prefer soil that is not too dry and not wet.

6. Spider Plant

If you’ve never taken care of a house plant before, the spider plant is a great beginner plant. It is known for its thin leaves, light green color, and a pleasant and refreshing appeal. Another great air-purifying plant, it is known to help get rid of toxins like xylene, which is a solvent found in the printing and rubber industries.

7. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is known for its skin and hair benefits. It is sometimes used to treat minor skin burns and helps keep skin and hair moisturized. As a houseplant, they are pretty to look at and quite hardy. However, they do not do well in low light environments. Aloe vera plants should be placed in a window that receives a lot of indirect sunlight. This plant does not need frequent watering.

8. Rubber Plant

The rubber plant features large, round leaves and is very easy to care for. It tolerates neglect, thrives in dim light and can survive in many different indoor conditions. It can grow up to 8 feet, so if you want them to grow tall, you need to place it in a room with a high ceiling.

Rubber plants come in different colors, from dark solid green to variegations of white, green and pink. 

These plants prefer a lot of bright indirect sunlight and moist soil. They will need more water during the warmer months (also called the growing season) and less during winter. 

9. Lucky Bamboo

Lucky bamboo is actually not a member of the bamboo plant family, but rather of the dracaena genus (also known as dragon trees and corn plants). It is a very popular plant found in many indoor spaces because of its association with Feng Shui. It is said that they represent good luck and happiness, and they are often given as gifts.

Lucky bamboo is pretty easy to care for and grow either in soil or in water. These plants need moderate indirect sunlight to avoid getting leaf scorch. When watering, make sure to avoid leaving the soil wet for too long, since this can cause root rot. 

10. Geranium

Most people think that growing flowers indoors is a big challenge, so geraniums are not thought of as one of the best indoor plants for beginners. However, these plants are actually easy to grow indoors and can even bloom all throughout the year if you care for them properly. 

You can care for your geranium by making sure it has enough light and avoiding overwatering. They prefer moist soil but do well if the soil is allowed to dry between waterings.


Plants do more than just add visual appeal to a space. They purify the air, help to reduce your stress levels and can even improve your creativity.

Indoor houseplants are easy to care for and can grow in not-so-favorable conditions. While some species do need more attention and maintenance than others, once you get the hang of plant care, you’ll find yourself adding more and more plants to your home!

By Admin